We are proud to partner with Blue-White to provide our customers with quality solutions for a wide variety of water and wastewater treatment applications. I’m confident that together, we’ll be able to help our customers in their mission of providing safe, clean, high-quality water to every home and business in their service area.
Marty Mazzella
President & Owner, Ti-SALES

MC2 CHEM-FEED Diaphraghm Chemical Metering Pump

Sized for your needs

CHEM-FEED pumps are available in a wide range of sizes to suit your needs.

  • MC2: .01 – 15.5 gallons per hour (GPH), pressures up to 175 PSI
  • MC3: .13 – 40.6 GPH, 150 PSI
  • MD1: .0007 – 7.70 GPH, 150 PSI
  • MD3: .03 – 52.6 GPH, 145 PSI
All models feature a diaphragm failure detection (DFD) system, keeping you safe from spills.

Multi-Diaphragm tech for perfect priming – even with hypo.

The MD1 and MD3 feature dual diaphragm hyperlink drive technology, meaning they will not lose prime – even when pumping chemicals that off-gas, like peracetic acid and sodium hypochlorite. Dual diaphragms mimic the best traits of peristaltic pumps – smooth, gentle, continuous flow – without the need for tube assemblies that wear out and need replacing.