Marty Mazzella

Chief Executive Officer

Louis Schoolcraft

Executive Vice President

Jeff Zammett

Chief Financial Officer

Tom Garrity

Vice President of Sales

Jesse Hirons

Director of Operations

Danny Smith

Director of Strategic Markets

Shari Gaffney

Director of Accounting

Marcus Anten

Territory Manager - Western NY

Steve Clements

Territory Manager - ME, Coastal NH, and North Shore MA

Joe Coulter

Territory Manager - South Shore, Cape and Islands, RI

Brian Duplessis

Territory Manager - Central MA, Eastern CT

Dave Harris

Territory Manager - NH and VT

Jason Matt

Territory Manager - Eastern NY

Dana Patient

Territory Manager - Western MA, Western CT, and Southeastern NY

Jim Pierce

Territory Manager - Central NY

Adam Hollenbach

Territory Manager

Sam Cavallaro

Associate Territory Manager

Steven Moran

Territory Manager - Industrial Fluid Handling

Nathaniel Cash

Manager of Support & Technology Services

Pete Elwell

Systems Support Implementer

Debbie Richards

Systems Support Implementer

Shawn McArdle

AMI Systems Manager

Bob Soar

Contractor & Inside Sales

Travis Merrill

Inside Sales

Ryan Hourihan

Inside Sales

Joe DeMeo

Bids & Proposals Manager

Joe Dana

Purchasing/Inventory Manager

Igor Alves

Sales and Marketing Operations Manager

Phil Hatzopoulos

Senior Accountant

Shawn Mansur

Shipping & Receiving

Adam Dufresne

Shipping and Receiving

Ben Silver

GIS Analyst & Systems Support