Ti-SALES Announces Large Meter Testing Service
Partnership with Hydro Utilities Will Help Water Utilities Recapture Lost Revenue
Sudbury, MA (Tuesday, January 26, 2021) – Ti-SALES, Inc. announced today its new partnership with Hydro Utilities, LLC to provide large meter testing services to water utilities throughout New England and New York. The service is designed to optimize utility revenue by identifying meter inaccuracies with a data-driven approach.
“While large meters make up only 10-20% of a typical water utility’s meter inventory, they are responsible for measuring 60% or more of its water consumption. Inaccurate large meters equate to lost revenue,” said Marty Mazzella, President & Owner of Ti-SALES. “Our team has extensive experience with meters and metering technology: we know just where to look to bring our clients the best possible returns on their metering asset investments.”
The Ti-SALES and Hydro Utilities team works to evaluate, test, maintain, and optimize the performance of water utilities’ most valuable metering assets. In addition to maximizing revenues, the program improves compliance with state requirements for meter testing and non-revenue water (NRW) percentages. “Working with Ti-SALES, our team assures our customers that their most valuable assets are working at optimum levels,” said Kevin Adolph, co-founder of Hydro Utilities.
About Ti-SALES
Ti-SALES (www.tisales.com) is dedicated to having the fastest service and the most knowledgeable experts in the water and wastewater industry throughout all of New England and New York. Since 1963, we’ve worked with countless water utilities, contractors, consultants, and resellers to provide the highest quality products and solutions to meet their long-term needs.
About Hydro Utilities
Hydro Utilities’ customers benefit from the peace of mind provided by Hydro Utilities’ 75+ years of combined experience in the water metering, construction, and services industry. For more information, visit www.hydroutilities.com or contact Kevin Adolph (kadolph@hydroutilities.com).
For more information about the large meter testing service, contact Ti-SALES at 800.225.4616 or metertesting@tisales.com.